Friday, April 4, 2008

2009 Job Market

A friend of mine sent this to me...very creative and freakin' hilarious, without regard to anyone's political affiliation ! Click on the title for a direct You Tube link, for better viewing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Engineering Question Du Jour

Q.) How much does a house weigh ???
A.) Just a tad more than a rural two-lane bridge can hold, apparently.
So (and you all knew this was coming... as it is the trickiest and best part of this conundrum) would this damage be covered by the Homeowners policy, the Commercial Truck/Common Carrier's policy or does it come under Roadside Assistance coverage from AAA? Either way, there's going to be a mad and temporarily homeless redneck family, somewhere !! Spoot !

La-re-do del Norte (Biz Tripping)

Apparently, a long, long time ago...Laredo was known as Laredo of The North, meaning located in the northern provence of Mexico known as Tamaulipas. Then, there was a fight and you all know the rest of that story, so I won't bore you with repetition of it. Suffice it to say that Laredo is different, even as border towns go. But, I must say that the folks are friendly and you can get the best less than $10 Tex-Mex lunch anywhere.
The next best thing that it is known for is various and sundry, inexpensive Mexican imports. You know the kind. Like the ones pictured above. I even texted Erin to see if she would like for me to pickup a couple of these for her pad. They would be quite effective in scaring off would be "unannounced visitors." She responded that she would pass on the imports but I figured that some photos would at least be mildly entertaining and somewhat decorative, in an ironic sense. These are quite sturdy as they are made of cast aluminum...they could double as family heirlooms for generations to come !!
Workout Report:
Wed: Cycle, 20 miles down the Parm windtunnell, 16.9 amph
Thur: Mesa Hill repeats with The Du's, 4 repeats, 5.6 miles and a couple of cervesas. Now that's a Quality Workout.
Fri: Nada...El Tripe to Laredo + Happy Hours
Sat: Cycle, 45 miles with Stephen at the Rosedale Ride
Sun: Run, 5 miles on Brushy Creek Trail, 8:50, the days are warming up.
Mon: Gym (yes, I rediscovered it !!) and 3 miles running on the dreadmill