Thursday, March 25, 2010

Erleen on Healthcare

Let me get this straight......
We now have a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president that also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke. What the hell could possibly go wrong????
So, clearly there are different opinions on this issue. My point in simple: nothing good can come from forcing one group of people to work & pay for something that will go to benefit another group. That is the basic epistemological definition of slavery. You were probably not taught this concept in Civics class.
Moreover, this perspective also comes from the Judeo-Christian tradition, from which I and most people in this country originate. The idea continues with the belief that good can only come from choosing to do cannot be made to do the right thing. Essentially, God wants all of us to choose and then to do, the right thing. However, only evil can come from force, no matter how noble the intention...


sohel rana said...

thanks for your mice post............

Choosetoplay said...

lol I love your intro paragraph

Randomness said...

I couldn't agree with this more! Our government should not be allowed to "force" tax paying, hard working Americans to pay for someone else's, in many cases, laziness. I know there are a few misfortunate individuals who are struggling at no fault of there own, and thats what our social service programs were meant for. Our social programs were never set up to take care of those who can take care of themselves but choose not to. But it's the entire political system thats screwed, not just one party or another. I am registered as a republican, but I never vote straight ticket. I vote for the best person for the job. Unfortunately, there aren't really any more "good" politicians. They are all puppets of corporations or banks or other third party's, and they really do not represent the population of the US at all. If they would require, before any and all debates,for the politicians to disclose publicly everyone who made a financial donation to their canidacy.....