Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hey Baby !!

Saturday was one of those defining momements in my life. I abided by my "I don't drop friends rule" and what is more, that frickin' Elvis Bastard was definitely in need either of a ass busting or a bullet!! I asked Lula to photograph him, especially if "he wiped out"...from her facial expression, she concurred wholehearedly, well at least as much as the O.U. Guy simulaneously hitting the deck, anyway.
Saturday was about both maintaining friendships and developing new ones. I gotta say...I'm looking forward to arm-wrestlin' that Lulu Chichy...I hear she's a W.C.B.A. and they always make my day !!


Lulu said...

OK. What exactly is W.B.C.A? And I was all about elvis crashing and burning!!

Thursday 11AM - Parmer Ride?

Dionn said...

Um...that's Wanna Be Certified (bad) Ass...

Hi Scooter!!