Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Scooter Needs A New Pair of Shoes

After some discussion and fanfare, I've decided to begin running. You heard it right, running. I'll initially utilize it as a cross training item and later add to it, if all goes well and as planned. My first agenda item will be to determine my own pace. Being a sprinter in a prior lifetime, this will take some adjustment on my part.
These are Asics (duhh..) Gel-Landreth 3's, with a Medium-High arch support and a neutral platform, meaning no pronation or supination (i.e., no slant in either direction). I'm surprised at how much larger of a size I needed, almost two more than my regular shoe size. Thanks to Erin's advise, I was able to get the Russian Lady (she was very nice and cordial, BTW) at the Riverside and S. 1st Runtex to fit me. These shoes are Uber-Cool!
To all my running friends, buddies and acquaintances out there...here is your fair warning. Be sure to Always Be Closing, as the saying goes, because The Flying Scooter is adding another part to his Game and will be in your rear view mirror very soon !! ; )


Dionn said...

shit. here comes trouble.

Lulu said...

I know you are new to this blogging thing, But this is when you post your running report so we know what we are going to be up against!

Erin said...

what have I done? CRAP!!! :)

Scot said...

How about NO, Lulu. You see, chicky, I only "share" training info. with "nice" people (and BTW, I DO use that term loosely) who reciprocate. Let's see...the formula works like this, in my Cajun Consciousness: Lulu w/ blog - updates = no Scooter postee's. Sabe`?

Shorey said...

Wow - looks like you must have big feet.

Scot said...

Hey now, Shorey, I don't know you (yet) and here you are paying me a compliment, like that! (But, I'll suppose that if you hang out with these clowns, above, that you can more than hold your own) So, you know what they say about those with big feet?