Monday, November 12, 2007

Road Trips Rock !!

What do you get when you add a car load of semi-intoxicated Texans, in with 93,000 of their closest LSU friends? Answer: one hell of a party !!
The road trip to LSU's Death Valley, this weekend, was Big Time Fun. As you know, these things always start off out with an anecdote. This occasion was no different with yours truly as the brunt of the initial ribbing: I was late to my own event!
Friday: It starts when I was hanging out with Erin (aka, I.C.E.) at her company's noonish golf outing, at Jimmy Clay Golf Course, when it occurred to me that it was past time for me to go. The joke being that my friends know very well that being late is a pet peeve of mine and they were clearly not going to let it least not until dinner, at Al-T's Cajun Restaurant in Winnie, TX. By then, the subject matter obviously shifted to something more interesting to them at that time, than grilling me: food. As their saying went, I was dubbed "Scooter, the other white meat." Cretins...the whole lot of them.
Of course, no road trip would be complete without Walter getting us lost. He is clearly "directionally challenged." So, I asked him "Wally, I love you man...but how in the hell do you get lost by simply going down I-10?" That, my friend, takes skill.
Saturday: The day begins with Bloody Marys and Breakfast. Then, off to the game. The tailgating experience was awesome !! These clown friends of mine were clearly impressed with the both the ambiance of the pre-game festivities and the numerous, gregarious parties that preceded the game itself.
Lunch was at Walk-Ons, just off the campus, as Walter and Jeff have seen the ESPN Game Day Dudes eat there before and wanted to do the same. The food was exceptionally good. Of course, Dinner was had with our new Bayou Friends! Everyone wanted to feed "Those Texas Tiger Boyz". I bet we had a dozen offers for dinner...everything from Gumbo, Jambalaya, and Steak to one guy who tried to feed us some kind of "Mystery Meat" concoction. Well...the last one....that was NOT going to happen. We politely smiled, thanked the guy, indicated that we were "already full" and moved on. I was not about to risk spending Sunday at the ER, or worse.
Then, we strolled into the stadium to watch both the pre-game National Anthem and later a half-time performance by the Country Artist, Lee Greenwood, doing his "God Bless America" rendition. I'm usually not in to that sort of thing but his performance was really quite good. Of course, the Tigers kicked butt. Now, its on to the BCS National Championship Game in N'Awlins in early January 2008.
As expected and after the game, we went back to some subsequent tailgating fun. BTW, Man Code 3423.7901 precludes me from further commentary on this part of the weekend but I've been known to accept significant monetary or vino bribes.
Sunday: A little breakfast and head back to Austin. It was a really fun weekend. No gator, snake or Cajun Women bites noted. It was a success !

1 comment:

James H said...

Glad you had a good time. THe Tech game was not the most exciting game. Too abd you were not there to see the past ones thi syear when the Fans and the stadium were exploding. However I suspect this was way way way cheaper to get tickets. Frineds of mine were paying 200 for the Auburn game